I am very happy to be a sponsor of the wonderful historic Grusan Growhouses. I am patron of the „dubious spiral ginger“ (costus dubius). Feel free to joke about it, but it is an awesome plant!
Archiv der Kategorie: Connections
Workshop: Structuralism in Consciousness Studies @Berlin
Holger Lyre and I will be organising a workshop on structuralism in consciousness studies, where we discuss quality spaces, phenomenal relations and just noticeable differences to individuate „qualia“ non-intrinsically. 8.-10- July @ Berlin School of Mind and Brain.
Speakers will be:
Prof. David Papineau
Department of Philosophy
King’s College London
Prof. Alastair Isaac
School of Philosophy, Psychology and Language Sciences
University of Edinburgh
Prof. David Rosenthal
Graduate Center
City University of New York
Prof. Diana Raffman
Department of Philosophy
University of Toronto
Prof. Lieven Decock
Department of Philosophy
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Prof. Andreas Engel
Institute for Neurophysiology and Pathophysiology
Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf (UKE)
Speakers form the RTG Extrospection
Prof. John-Dylan Haynes
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Prof. Michael Pauen
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Dr. Laura Kaltwasser
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Prof. Holger Lyre
University of Magdeburg
Prof. Sascha Benjamin Fink
University of Magdeburg
CBBS Member @Magdeburg
I am now a member of Magdeburg Center for Behavioral Brain Sciences.
Advisor: Effektiver Altruismus
Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften @Magdeburg

Ich bin dieses Jahr das Gesicht der langen Nacht der Wissenschaften (Volksstimme vom 25.4.2018). Ironischerweise ist dieses Jahr der Titel „Die Welt der Experimente“, die ja gerade aus der Philosophie nicht wegzudenken sind.
Suffering & Pain
You can see my entry on the award winning webpage of the suffering & pain group @ Luxemburg.