I am the Director of Research of the Centre for Philosophy and AI Research {PAIR} at the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg and an affiliated researcher at the Department of Philosophy at the University of Glasgow as well as the Center for Behavioral Brain Sciences at Magdeburg. Before, I was the Juniorprofessor for Neurophilosophy at the philosophy department at the Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg.

My publications concern the philosophy of mind, epistemology, philosophy of perception, and philosophy of science (see my Google scholar page here; most of my work can be found online as open access). In these areas, I am involved in the following research projects:

  • DFG/AHRC-funded project SENSOR “Sensory Engineering: Investigating Altered and Guided Perception and Hallucination” (with the Center for the Study of Perceptual Experiences at the University of Glasgow);
  • BMBF/DLR-funded project „PsychedELSI: Ethische, legale und soziale Implikationen der Neuropsychopharmakologie in der Psychotherapie – Vorbereitung auf die psychedelische Renaissance“;
  • EU ERANET NEURON-funded project PSYTRANS (on psychedelic transformation);
  • EU ERANET NEURON COMPAIN (on complex pain ontologies);
  • DFG-Project “Philosophy and the Mind Sciences (PhiMiSci). Konsolidierung einer wissenschaftlichen Open-Access-Zeitschrift”.
  • Previously, I have been a PI in the DFG-funded research training group Extrospection: External Acces to Higher Cognitive Processes (2019–2023).

I also serve as an Editor-in-Chief of the independent, cost-free, diamond open-access journal Philosophy and the Mind Sciences, which I founded with Wanja Wiese and Jennifer Windt in 2019.

To increase the reach of academic philosophy, I have produced several interviews with German analytic philosophers for the Youtube channel of the German Society for Analytic Philosophy (GAP).