The Neural Correlates of Consciousness – 20 years on

Philosophy and the Mind Sciences is inviting contributions to a celebratory volume on the neural correlates of consciousness. In 2000, MIT published „Neural Correlates of Consciousness: Empirical and Conceptual Questions“, edited by Thomas Metzinger. The volume brought together empirical neuroscientists, psychologists, anaesthesiologists, and philosophers, all participants at the 2nd ASSC meeting in Bremen. Notably, the current standard definition of an NCC as that minimal neural activation sufficient for an experience was introduced by David Chalmers in this anthology.
The science of consciousness has tremendously progressed since then, but the search for the neural correlates of consciousness has remained at the core of this endeavour. Time to celebrate this progress, to take stock, and to raise new issues.
Philosophy and the Mind Sciences ( will publish a special topic issue celebrating the 20th anniversary of an interdisciplinary approach to neural correlates of consciousness. Philosophy and the Mind Sciences covers the intersection of philosophy and the empirical sciences of the mind. It is an independent, fully cost-free, open-access journal with an international editorial advisory board of high-impact researchers. 
Currently, the following contributors have voiced their support for this special issue: Bernard Baars, David Chalmers, Axel Cleeremans, John-Dylan Haynes, Jakob Hohwy, Steve Fleming, Karl Friston, Peter König, Hakwan Lau, Holger Lyre, Tomáš Marvan, Thomas Metzinger, Albert Newen, Morten Overgaard, Michael Pauen, Michal Polák, Tobias Schlicht, Wolf Singer, Kai Vogeley. 
We invite empirical, conceptual, methodological and philosophical contributions on any aspect of the neural correlates of consciousness. All submissions must discuss, address, and focus on the neural correlates of consciousness and all submissions will go through double-blind peer review. 
Deadline for submissions will be 1st of April 2020, with the aim to publish the volume in full at the beginning of the last quarter of 2020. Please email Sascha Benjamin Fink ( for inquiries. For more information 

Visiting Researcher at NYU

I will be on research leave from September 2019 to February 2020 as a visiting scholar at New York University, working on the intersection between phenomenal privacy and the search for neural correlates of consciousness. (In August I will be off work to prepare this trip.)