
This page aims to list and link all publications of me or about me and my work.

  • Fink, Sascha Benjamin (2024) How-tests for consciousness and direct neurophenomenal structuralism. Frontiers in Psychology 15:1352272. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2024.1352272
  • Fink, Sascha Benjamin & Kob, Lukas (2024) Neurophenomenal structuralism as a general theory of consciousness? In: Tomas Marvan & Michal Polak (eds.) Conscious and Unconscious. Routledge.
  • Fink, S. B., Repantis, D., & Koslowski, M. (2024) Ethische Aspekte der Psychotherapie. Die Psychotherapie.
  • Fink, Sascha Benjamin (2024) Wahrnehmung. In: Vera Hoffmann-Kolss (ed.) Handbuch Philosophie des Geistes. Metzler.
  • Fink, Sascha Benjamin (2024) Ethische Dimensionen des Erinnerns und Vergessens. In: Bernard Strauß (ed.) Erinnern. Psychosozial-Verlag.
  • Fink, Sascha Benjamin & Fabry, Regina (Eds., 2023) Thinking & Perceiving. Special Symposium, Philosophy and the Mind Sciences. Contributions by Zoe Drayson, Christopher Mole, Alexandra Mroczko, Dustin Stokes.
  • Caporuscio, C., Fink, S. B., Sterzer, P., & Martin, J. M. (2022). When seeing is not believing: A mechanistic basis for predictive divergence. Consciousness and Cognition, 102, 103334.
  • Fink, Sascha Benjamin (2022) Psychedelics favour understanding rather than knowledge. Philosophy and the Mind Sciences, 3, 1–10.
  • Chiara Caporuscio, & Fink, Sascha Benjamin (2022) Philosophy of Psychedelics. Special Symposium, Philosophy and the Mind Sciences. Contributions by Lisa Bortolotti, Chiara Caporuscio, Matteo Colombo, Anya Farennikova, Sascha Benjamin Fink, Sarah Hoffman, Matthew Johnson, Chris Letheby, Aidan Lyon, Joshua M. Martin, Kathleen Murphy-Hollies, Philipp Sterzer.
  • Fink, Sascha Benjamin; Kob, Lukas & Lyre, Holger (2021) Structural constraints on neural correlates of consciousness. Philosophy and the Mind Sciences, 2, 1–23.
  • Fink, Sascha Benjamin & Lin, Ying-Tung (2021) Progress and paradigms in the search for the neural correlates of consciousness. Philosophy and the Mind Sciences, 2, 1–7.
  • Fink, Sascha Benjamin (2021) Towards a scaleable Darwinian Left. In: Johannes L. Brandl, Beatrice Kobow, & Daniel Messelken (eds.) Analytical Explications and Interventions. Brill/Mentis, 349–369.
  • Fink, Sascha Benjamin (2021) Rationalität und transformative Erfahrungen. Zeitschrift für inter- und transdisziplinäre Bildung (Spezialausgabe zum Thema Entscheidungen).
  • Fink, Sascha Benjamin, & Lin, Ying-Tung (2021) The Neural Correlates of Consciousness, Part II. Special Issue in Philosophy and the Mind Sciences. Contributions by Krysztof Dolega, Sascha Benjamin Fink, Karl Friston, Asger Kirkeby-Hinrup, Lukas Kob, Alexander Lepauvre, Holger Lyre, Lucia Melloni, Morten Overgaard, Tobias Schlicht, Chen Song, Wanja Wiese.
  • Fink, Sascha Benjamin (2020) Look who’s talking! Varieties of ego-dissolution without paradox. Philosophy and the Mind Sciences, 1(I), 1–36.
  • Fink, Sascha Benjamin (2020) Die Schwierigkeit, für sich selbst zu entscheiden: Transformativität und Unvorhersehbarkeit. In: Laurie Paul (2020) Was können wir wissen, bevor wir uns entscheiden? (Übersetzung von: What you can’t expect when you’re expecting). Reclam.
  • Editor of: Laurie Ann Paul (2020) Was können wir wissen, bevor wir uns entscheiden? Von Kinderwünschen und Vernunftgründen. Mit Nachwort von Sascha Benjamin Fink. Reclam. (German Translation: What you can’t expect when you’re expecting.)
  • Fink, Sascha Benjamin (2018) Introspective disputes deflated: The case for phenomenal variation, Philosophical Studies, 175, 3165–3194.
  • Fink, Sascha Benjamin (2018) The concept of a Bewusstseinskultur. Frontiers in Psychology, 9, 1664-1078, DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2018.00732.
  • Fink, Sascha Benjamin (2018) Darwin unter Linken? Das naturalistische Fundament politischer Solidarität. In: Peter Singer (2018) Linke, hört die Signale! (Übersetzung von: A Darwinian Left). Reclam.
  • Editor of: Peter Singer (2018) Linke, hört die Signale! Mit Nachwort von Sascha Benjamin Fink. Reclam. (German Translation: A Darwinian Left.)
  • Editor of (with Jennifer Windt and Wanja Wiese): Philosophical and Ethical Aspects of a Science of Consciousness and the Self: A Festschrift for Thomas Metzinger. Frontiers in Psychology.
  • Fink, Sascha Benjamin & Carlos Zednik (2017) Meeting in the dark room: Bayesian rational analysis and hierarchical predictive coding. In: T. Metzinger & W. Wiese (eds.) The Philosophy of Predictive Processing, 1–13.
  • Fink, Sascha Benjamin (2017) Progress by Paradox: Paradoxien als Katalysator wissenschaftlichen Fortschritts. In: Karsten Engel (ed.) Von Schildkröten und Lügnern. Paderborn: Mentis.
  • Fink, Sascha Benjamin (2017) Why care beyond the square? Classical and extended shapes of oppositions in their application to “introspective disputes”. In: J.Y.B. Béziau & G. Basti (eds.) The Square of Oppositions: A Cornerstone of Thought. Springer, p. 325–337.
  • Fink, Sascha Benjamin (2016) A deeper look at the “neural correlate of consciousness”. Frontiers in Psychology 7 (1044).
  • Fink, Sascha Benjamin (2015) Phenomenal precision and some pitfalls — a commentary on Ned Block. In T. Metzinger & J. Windt (eds.) Open Mind, MIT Press. (with a reply by Ned Block (2015) Solely generic phenomenology – a reply to Sascha Benjamin Fink, same volume).
  • Fink, S. Benjamin (2014) Review of Fiona Macpherson’s & Dimitris Platchias’s “Hallucination: Philosophy and Psychology”. Metapsychology, 18 (25).
  • Fink, S. Benjamin (2012) Knowing pain. In: E. Cohen, L. Toker, M. Consonni, & O. Dror (eds.) Knowledge and Pain. Amsterdam & New York: Rodopi.
  • Fink, S. Benjamin (2011) Independence and connections of pain and suffering. Journal of Consciousness Studies, 18 (13-14).
  • Fink, S. Benjamin (2011) Review of Tamar Szabo Gendler’s “Intuition, Imagination, and Philosophical Methodology”, Metapsychology, 15 (49).
  • Fink, S. Benjamin (2010) The ambiguity of ‘pain’, in: Jane Fernandez-Goldborough (ed.), Making Sense of: Pain. Oxford: Inter-disciplinary Net.
  • Fink, S. Benjamin (2010) Pain: A natural state without a nature? Dealing with the ambiguity of ‘pain’ in science and ethics, in: Gillian Bendelow, Heather McKenzie and John Quinton (eds.), At the Edge of Being: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Pain. New York: Rodopi.
  • Fink, S. Benjamin (2010) Review of Arne Vetlesen’s “The Philosophy of Pain”, Metapsychology, 14 (25).
  • Fink, S. Benjamin (2010) Review of Victoria Braithwaite’s “Do Fish Feel Pain?”, Metapsychology, 14 (34).
  • Fink, S. Benjamin (2010) Review of Jan Westerhoff’s “12 Examples of Illusion”, Metapsychology, 14 (50).

On some foundational issues in a neuroscience of consciousness: dissociationism, neural correlates, and introspection (2015). University of Osnabrück (Dr. phil.; grade: summa cum laude).
Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Sven Walter (Osnabrück University); Prof. Dr. Eric Schwitzgebel (University of California, Riverside); PD Dr. Uwe Meyer (Osnabrück University)

  1. Philosophy and the Mind Sciences
    Since its foundation 2018, I have worked as an Editor-in-Chief for “Philosophy and the Mind Sciences” (short: PhiMiSci, ISSN: 2699-0369). The journal was by Wanja Wiese, Jennifer Windt, and Sascha Benjamin Fink. All three form a tribunal of editors-in-chief.
    PhiMiSci is a diamond open access journal that is supported by an international editorial board (3 editors-in-chief, 7 associate editors) and an international advisory board comprised of 25 renowned scholars in both philosophy and the empirical sciences of the mind, e.g. Ned Block, Tyler Burge, David Chalmers, Andy Clark, Daniel Dennett, Ophelia Deroy, Steve Fleming, Karl Friston, Jakob Hohwy Fiona Macpherson, Evan Thompson, Dan Zahavi. Prominent philosophy blogs like Daily Nous and Brains Blog have positively reported on PhiMiSci.
    Since its first issue in 2020, PhiMiSci has published 72 peer reviewed articles with more than 30.000 file views, either stand-alone or as part of special issues. Authors include well known philosophers like Thomas Metzinger, Jakob Hohwy, Tim Bayne, Colin Klein, Evan Thompson, Lisa Bortolotti and prominent scientists like Morten Overgaard, Lucia Melloni, Anil Seth, and others. Its rejection rate is around 80%. The automated impact-factor calculator “exaly” estimates an impact factor of 1.5 and an h-index of 5.
    PhiMiSci is currently supported by the German Science Foundation with over 770.000 € in order to make its diamond open access model and publishing processes scalable and transferable.
  2. Multimedia and Outreach
    8.A. Explanatory Short Movies (in German):
    (A-1) 2017: Duhem-Quine-These.
    (A-2) 2017: Frege Sinn und Bedeutung.
    (A-3) 2017: Transformative Erfahrungen.
    (A-4) 2017: Das chinesische Zimmer.
    (A-5) 2017: Das Mary Gedankenexperiment.
    (A-6) 2017: Gettier Fälle.
    8.B. Interviews with German speaking analytic philosophers (in German):
    (B-1) 2017: Interview mit GAP-Präsident Thomas Grundmann (Köln)
    (B-2) 2017: Interview mit Humboldt-Professor Sven Bernecker (Köln)
    (B-3) 2017: Interview mit Professorin Elke Brendel (Bonn)
    (B-4) 2018: Interview mit Professor Thomas Grundmann (Köln)
    (B-5) 2018: Interview mit Professor Peter Singer (Princeton/Melbourne)
    (B-6) 2020: Interview mit Stegmüller-Preisträgerin Romy Jaster (HU Berlin)
    (B-7) 2020: Interview mit Stegmüller-Preisträger Benjamin Kiesewetter (HU Berlin)
    (B-8) 2020: Interview mit GAP-Gründungspräsident Georg Meggle (Leipzig/Kairo).
    (B-9) 2020: Interview mit Professor Holger Lyre (Magdeburg).
    (B-10) 2020: Interview mit Stegmüller-Preisträgerin Tom Sterkenburg (LMU Munich).
    (B-11) 2020: Interview mit Professor Georg Meggle (Leipzig/Cairo).
    (B-12) 2024: Interview mit Prof. Martine Nida-Rümelin (Fribourg).
    8.C. Logic Teaching Tool: learning program for classical logic: A Game of Logic, in cooperation with Dr. Christian Heine (Leipzig).
    8.D. Exhibitions:
    (D-1) 2022: Advisor for the exhibition„Das Gehirn. Zwischen Kunst und Wissenschaft“, Bundeskunsthalle (Bonn).
    (D-2) 2022: Organiser „Art as Cognition“, Forum Gestaltung (Magdeburg).
    (D-3) 2022: Organiser „talkPOPc: The Philosophers’ Ontological Party Club“ with Dena Shottenkirk (City University of New York), Gruson Gewächshäuser.
    8.E. Popular Science
    (E-1) Fink, S. Benjamin (2016) Das Doppelleben des Schmerzes.
    (E-2) Fink, S. Benjamin (2020) Keine Zukunft ohne Theorie.
    (E-3) Fink, S. Benjamin (2010) Die Sinnlichkeit der Cyborgs. In: Ariel Hauptmeier (ed.) Das Gehirn. Zwischen Kunst und Wissenschaft (Ausstellungskatalog). Bundeskunsthalle Bonn. Hirmer.
    8.F. Memoranda and Technical Reports
    (F-1) General Comment on the impacts of drug policies on economic, social and cultural rights: Public Consultation – Annotated Outline. To the UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. 15 February 2015.
  3. In the Media
    – “Schmerz und Leid: Geschichte einer Trennung.” Radio feature, MDR Wissen. 24.06.2018.
    – “Science On: Neurowissenschaften — Was können wir wissen?” Panel discussion with John Dylan Haynes, Sarah Weigelt, Gerd Kempermann, organised by the DFG. Kunsthalle Bonn. 27.11.2018. Livestreamed on YouTube.
    – “Die Lust am Abheben: Adrenalinrausch, Flow & Psychedelika.” Radio discussion, SRF, with Katrin Preller. 02.05.2019.
    – Book review “Was können wir wissen, bevor wir uns entscheiden? (Reclam)” by Elisabeth von Thadden. Die ZEIT.
    – “Bewusstsein und Psychedelika.” Podcast Interview, Set & Setting, with Jascha Renner.
    – “Grauzone – Der Wert unserer Erinnerung.” Radio feature, MDR/ARD.
    – “Erkenntnistheorie und Psychedelika.” Podcast Interview, Set & Setting, with Jascha Renner.
    – “Philosophie und Psychedelika.” Jourbnal interview, with Andreas Lipinski, Charaktery (2023).
    – FAZ Artikel (02/2023) on Project PsychedELSI
    – FAZ Artikel (01/2024) on Project PsychedELSI
    – “AI Consciousness.” Interview with Karsten Wendland (2024).
    – “Bewusstsein und Sensorische Substitution.” Interview with Annaka Harris (in post production).