This page lists all the research projects and proposals that I was involved in and were successful.
– DFG/AHRC: “Sensory Engineering: Investigating Altered and Guided Perception and Hallucination“ (SENSOR, 527947799); joint project with Derek Brown, Jack Lyons, Fiona Macpherson (University of Glasgow); 364.247,00 € + 417.293,16 GBP (2024–2027).
– EU ERA-NET Neuron (DLR/BMBF/NSTC): “The Complexity of Pain and Its Normative Implications” (COMPAIN); joint project with Claudia Bozzaro and Frauke Nees (Christian-Albrechts-Universität Kiel), Ying-Tung Lin and Chris McCarroll (National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Taiwan); 339.600,00 € + 6.916.649 NTD (2024–2027).
– EU ERA-NET Neuron (DLR/BMBF/NSTC): “Psychedelic Transformations in Intercultural Context” (PsyTrans); joint project with Karen Yan (National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Taiwan), Dimitris Repantis (Charité – Berlin University of Medicine) und Nicolas Langlitz (New School New York); 299.916,00 € + 8.695.049 NTD (2024–2027).
– Workshop ”The Renaissance of Psychedelic Therapies“ (Fondation Brocher, lead: Nicolas Langlitz); 6.600,00 SFR (2024).
– DFG: “Philosophy and the Mind Sciences: Wissenschaftliche Literaturversorgungs- und Informationssysteme” (PhiMiSci, 514161146); PI; joint project with Wanja Wiese (Ruhr Universität Bochum); 710.367,00 € (2023–2026).
– National Ministry of Science: “Die Psychedelische Renaissance: Ethische, legale und soziale Implikationen der Verwendung von Neuropharmakologie in der Psychiatrie (PsychedELSI)“; joint project with RWTH Aachen, Universität Hamburg, Charité – Berlin University of Medicine, New School New York and Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg; 797.940,00 € (2023–2026); additional 150.000 € for participative research components.
– Akademisches Auslandsamt of Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg: Travel stipend for visiting NYMCT University Taiwan; 1.000,00 € (2023).
– DFG: Research Training Group “Extrospection: External Access to Higher Cognitive Functions“ (RTG 2386); a joint project with Humboldt University Berlin, Charité – Berlin University of Medicine, Max Planck Institute for Cognitive Neuroscience, and Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg; 2.774.433,00 € (2018–2023).
– Innovationsfond der Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg: “Empirical Philosophy Lab“; 4.000,00 € (2017).
– Innovationsfond der Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg: “Analytic Philosophy on Youtube“; 1.470,00 € (2017).
– Deutscher Hochschulpaktes: “Analytic Philosophy on Youtube“; 900,00 € (2016).
– Gesellschaft für Analytische Philosophie: “Analytic Philosophy on Youtube“; 2.500,00 € (2016).